The above, a quote from Donna Eden who wrote Energy Medicine and she is referring to each one of us, without any exceptions. Really no need for channeling, is there?.
Tonight, I heard an interview with Donna Eden, my guru of Energy Medicine, not just practicing and writing about it, she also has made it her crusade to teach and demonstrate energy medicine to the masses.Energy works without you willing it or thinking about it but stressors in your life play a crucial part in the energy system of your body. Remember we are working with two main energies, positive or negative which is also lack of!
Look at your hand. It is electromagnetic and that is why you sometimes feel the energy running through your system, as if you had touched a live socket.It's is referred to as static shock.
Are you able to read the energy in yourself and others? You should and again this needs some practice.
We can feel our energies and those of others. Have you heard this expression, " I had a gut feeling this would happen." Intuition, which many of us have abandoned to our detriment. Intuition, when fine tuned can be a useful tool to read our energies.
Some people are able to see energies that circulate in and out of the body with spirals and weaves. Have you noticed how a baby when held, looks around the person. That baby sees the energies, so does the child but the teens and adult do not see it. Why? We let that skill lie dormant as it was not what the adults were talking about or perhaps the child was told frequently, it was the imagination or a dream etc.
An experiment conducted by Donna had a group of parents in a small town, talk about energies to their babies and children ; years later, when these were teenagers, they were still able to see the energies around different people. There are so many examples which I might mention in future posts, if you request it.( onc involved a surgeon in a busy hospital) *1