Sunday, December 19, 2010

Empower-You Postcard-Back

This the back of my post-card. In my next post, I will explain further about RET, an acronym that I coined to simplify the modalities or tools I work with as my therapy combines one or two of EEM. EFT Laughter therapy, forgiveness therapy or Qigong. It will be in my first post of January 2011.

For now I would like to send positive vibrations and all my gratitude to my followers and readers as well as a Meaningful Christmas for those who celebrate and for those of other religions or none, a wonderful Season and the beginning of a Hopeful, Healthful and Joyful New Year!
PC Nicholas
If you could think of even a couple of things to be grateful for this year, then you'll be starting the New Year with some good vibrations.


Globalhospitals said...

EFT and Laughter therapy is very good and i am expecting for your further posts for more details :)

PhotoDiction said...

Wanted to wish you the best with your positive endeavours and continued success with your writing :)

Thinking about all things that went well this year is certainly a great way to usher in the new year.

PC Nicholas said...

@Photodiction - Thanks and only the best is wished for you!